Saturday, May 16, 2009

Amazed, treasured, relationships...... Blood donation drive

Amazed, truly I am.

Been having pretty interesting 'yamcha' sessions with a few of the members that had 'booked' me, especially with Jireh, and honestly, I'm amazed with what we can simply talk and share about. We share nearly about the same past, and have some common interests and personality traits together. You're such a blessing bro. :)

The most memorable thing he said to me was,

Jireh: Hey bro, if you ever want to start a church somewhere, call me straight ok? I'll be your right hand, second man. Just like Keith Tay.

Kevin: O.o WOAH? Dude, not that fast lah!!

Hence, I've been thinking lately.. who am I to him? Who am I to those people that I love and treasure the most?

Lately my mind and thoughts are very focused on relationships with people. Can't wait for Pst. Kong to come on the 22nd-24th of May, as he will coincidentally talk about the topic on "Relationship". I've even asked God for some signs and words that I want HIm to speak to me directly regarding this issue.

Maybe, I just wanna say, for those who are really treasuring me right now, I'm gonna treasure them back too. My favor is definitely upon them. Kinda able to relate exactly how God feels too. He wants His children to love and treasure Him, just as He has loved and treasured them always. Guess you could say I'm pretty picky on who I want to maintain and grow my relationship with and discarding those who I feel we are just merely 'friends' and nothing more beyond that. Even Pst. Pat Mesiti said, "You can't be friends with EVERYBODY". I'd rather have 1 true and real friend, than a 100 superficial ones. :)

Anyways later on at 2pm, I'll be donating my blood for the very first time in my whole life. Can't imagine I've got the chance to do so during my stay here. Also prayed for my blood to be clean and be used to, who knows, save a life? :)

Tired. I better sleep, or else I can't donate my blood! :S


mozozozo said...

wow...that's a seriously awesome thing he said to you =) hope your first time donating blood went well!! =D

kevrlee said...

i feel ... GREAT after donating! feels like i could at least donate another 400ml(1 pint) just now :)