Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Life just entered into a new door. A door of new beginnings, of a new season, a new phase.

Life looks back, glancing at the past for one last time.

Life hesitates awhile.

Life reflects back at all that has happened.

Life is in deep thoughts.

Life recalls moments. Memorable ones. Ones that has made a significant impact to life itself. Some, wished to forgotten, some wished to relived.

Life gives a big sigh. A sigh that signifies that it is time to move on. A sigh that shows there the past is the past, and that time is a merciless, unstoppable adversary that fears no one.

Life smiles. An uncomfortable smile, yet with an assurance that everything will be fine.

Life looks on ahead with a determined look.

To be continued.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


As we go on in life, we all have met hundreds, if not, thousands of people.

From our Kindergarten years -> Primary School -> Secondary School -> College -> Workplace -> Retirement.

Certainly, it's not rocket science to know the fact that people come and go.

There are those that stay and remain ever so close to you, yet there are also those that somehow just disappear from your life just like how a crafty thief sneaks in and out of someone's house.

Thus, ask yourself.

Who are those that have remained as an integral part of your life?
Who are those that you know are kept in that very special place in your heart?

 I've found mine. Have you? :)