So many things to do, so many things to worry, so many things to plan, so many things to put action to, so many battles fought, so many battles loss, so many people discipled, so many people backslidden, so many hearts won, so many hearts loss, so much expectation placed, so much disappointed received, so many pressure, so little encouragement, so many given away, so little received, so many words, so little heard...and this can go on and on and on..
Why are 'you' silent? Where are 'you' when I need 'you' the most right now? In this dry, barren desert, where do I find my oasis?
...I'm tired.
Hang in there, bro! May the JOY of the Lord be your strength. He surrounds you with His goodness, even though you don't feel it sometimes... Nevertheless, He is there with you :) God is our fortress, refuge and defense!
thanks.. =)
whats up buddy!!
how's your service in church so far??
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