Monday, January 4, 2010

Word of Wisdom

I've always wondered how at times, I speak certain words that encourages people..and today I really encountered a few many times that I gave such words to people.

i.e to Melvyn Cheng -
"I wanna create and make my own destiny in a different way. Being inspired is one, creating an inspiration is another thing. So with the inspiration I receive, I create my own inspiration tat will inspire others."

So to my curiosity, I went and check various sources of what the Spiritual Gift - Word of Wisdom meant.

The gift of the word of wisdom is the application of knowledge that God gives you ( I Corinthians 2:6-7). This type of wisdom is a gift which cannot be gained through study or experience and should by no means try to replace them. The gift of the word of wisdom is seeing life from God's perspective. As a Christian exercises this gift, he begins to develop a fear of the Lord. This is the "beginning of wisdom" according to Proverbs 1:7.

The gift of the word of wisdom is also the revealing of prophetic future; it is speaking hidden truths of what is not known. It is a supernatural perspective to ascertain the divine means for accomplishing God's will in a given situation, and is a divinely given power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem solving.

Furthermore, this gift involves having a sense of divine direction, being led by the Holy Spirit to act appropriately in a given set of circumstances, and rightly applying knowlege.

The gift of wisdom is the wisdom of God. It is the supernatural impartation of facts; it is not natural. You can't earn it. It is received from God through prayer (Ephesians 1:17).

The gift of the word of wisdom works interactively with the other two revelation gifts: knowledge and discernment.

.. I wanna develop this gift even more!! :)

At the meantime, I'll go and study what Word of Knowledge really means ;) Part Two coming up!

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