Friday, May 1, 2009

Church Music Course...

I was checking out the website of one of the potential Bible Schools I might enroll myself in this June, when one of the courses got my attention...

  1. The Preaching Ministry PM1-PM99
  2. The Pastoral Ministry PM100-PM199
  3. Religious Education CE1-CE299
  4. Evangelism and Church Growth E1-E99
  5. The World Mission M1-M99
  6. Communication CO1-CO299
  7. Church Music CM1-CM99
  8. Supervised Ministry SM1-SM299

Woo..*whistles*. Church Music huh... interesting...

Well, for being so intrigued by it, I went to look further on its details -



Explores biblical and historical foundations of church music; provides an introduction to music theory; surveys ministerial involvement in the music program of the congregation; develops basic skills in directing, interpretation, service planning, use of the hymnal and other resources; examines the philosophy and roles of music in worship; and expects students to reflect on their own cultural and denominational contexts.

CM20 APPLIED MUSIC (1/2 hour)

Instructs beginning and intermediate piano. Includes music theory and keyboard skills. Emphasizes scales and transposing. Enhances the students’ ability to play in the church setting. (Prerequisite: Music Theory or another music course at undergraduate level.) (Must be taken two semesters for credit to be given.)

PIANO! Niceeee! Seriously, if I've got the chance, I do really wanna learn it :D ... but i need to take the prerequisite requirements first.. bummer..

CM30 APPLIED VOICE (1/2 hour)

Trains voice. (Prerequisite: Music Theory or another music course at undergraduate level.) (Must be taken two semesters for credit to be given.)

*Sings - LAaaaAaaaAaaaAaaaAaa ~ ~ * ... *looks around in amazement at all the shattered glass around me...* ... *wonders why it started to rain so heavily...a few seconds ago, it was still so hot and sunny.... *shrugs*


Gathers students interested in choral singing, who will participate in chapel services and perform on other occasions. Develops skills in church music ministry. (Prerequisite: Music Theory, and permission of the instructor.)


Surveys the development of music in the church and its implications for worship. Begins with the music of the Old Testament and progresses through the early twentieth century and concludes with a study of the development of music in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

The music of the Old Testament? Wow.. sometimes when I read Psalms, I wonder how the people use to sing their praises to God..


Examines the music program of the church in all its facets. Focuses on the practical administration of music in the local church. Provides students with practical knowledge of the structure and operation of a church music program and with the tools necessary to organize and lead such a program. (Prerequisite: CM3 or equivalent.)


Develops an understanding and appreciation of indigenous Asian and Pacific music, and focuses on how this music can be used to communicate the Christian message.


Looks like something that I surely would want to take up. Now I'm really really more excited to start my Bible Schooling here soon!

Anyways for some of you who knew what happened to me.. ummm.. I'm 100% fine now. :)

-Do check out for more details- ;)

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